Make Your Measurement Count!

The Custody Transfer Metering station is often referred to as the ‘Cash Register’ of the global oil and gas industry…….

Why take the chance on inaccurate Metering?

The global petroleum Industry is based upon the production and sale of hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon products. It is of critical importance to the buyer, the seller, regulatory bodies and financial partners that these valuable products are measured accurately.

When dealing with large quantities of hydrocarbons in continuous export, small and seemingly insignificant errors in measurement at the point of sale can result in losses running into many millions of dollars.

Ensuring that contractual levels of accuracy and compliance are achieved in a flow measurement system requires great attention to detail in terms of design, operation and maintenance.

A Professional Measurement Consultancy Service

IJY Measurement Services provides independent metering and flow measurement consultancy services to the global oil and gas industry.

Our expertise can ensure that your operation complies with the relevant contractual and regulatory requirements.

Get in Touch

For further information, please contact IJY Measurement Services using the contact form.